The winter Social Register (above) includes the following:
Winter listings of all members
Birth Notices
Wedding Notices
Death Notices
Winter Clubs & Officers
Married Maidens
New Members Section

A sample page from the Social Register.

The winter Social Register Locator
& Observer.

The Summer Social Register Directory & Observer (Summer 2017 shown above) includes the following:
Summer Listings of all members
Yachts, Yacht Clubs & Their Officers
Wedding Notices
Death Notices
Summer Clubs & Officers
New Members section
Annual membership includes all of the above publications for that year.
New Members
The publication of names in the Social Register is governed by an Advisory Committee, and applicants desiring entry or additional information are requested to send an email to the Association by clicking on this link.
Please include your full name, mailing address and telephone number in your email. If you choose to write to the Association, please use the following address.
Advisory Committee
Social Register Association
14 Wall Street, Ste 3F
New York, NY 10005
The Social Register is a private, welcoming and exceptionally well-connected network of friends and interesting people. For 133 years, it remains a prestigious and enduring beacon of civility and society that continues to flourish and grow. Nondiscriminatory and nonpolitical, the Association serves its members, people successfully engaged in many fields of endeavor, while adapting to meet the needs of its younger and newest members.
As we enter a new era, social mixers are being organized in several cities—exclusive events co-sponsored with premier clubs and groups; including lectures on topics of interest; as well as a network of “city guides,” SRA members who volunteer to introduce newly arrived fellow members to their geographic area, or refer them to common interest groups (collecting, dining, traveling, etc.); and we are working with our growing list of select clubs to extend dining and overnight stay privileges to visiting SR members.
The Social Register has established a separate nonprofit, the Social Register Foundation, to support philanthropic activities, and to acquire a townhouse in New York for use by its members and their guests. At the clubhouse, members will be able to access the Association’s vast historical family archives (including their own) in the library and to enjoy catered dinners, reunions, celebrations, and exhibits.
Association dues are modest and make it possible to bring you the Winter Social Register Directory, the Locator & Observer, and the Summer Social Register Directory & Observer. The Directory (since 1886) is the register of members and an invaluable reference tool, the Locator makes it easy to find other members in your area or wherever you may find yourself, and the Observer is our magazine, written for, about, and largely by members focusing on their activities and interests.